There are two mail collection boxes in Pelham
Residents can use either box to drop envelopes for staff in the Town Offices/Rhodes Building (Select Board, Collector/Treasurer, Town Clerk, Permits for Building, Electrical, and Gas Inspector).
TO MAKE A PAYMENT BY CHECK AFTER HOURS, please use an envelope and drop into either of the drop boxes. Electrical, plumbing, gas, and building permits and fees should be paid by check only and can be deposited in the yellow drop box at 351 Amherst Road.
**Please note the boxes are not checked everyday.
Please do not leave cash in the drop boxes. If you are paying cash, please call ahead to arrange for payment.
Collector/Treasurer - (413) 253-2267 Monday-Thursday 8am-3:30pm
Town Clerk - (413) 253-0512 Monday-Thursday 8am-2:00pm