Accident Report Information

accident report form

Additional Pages

You should file a report if you’re the operator of a vehicle involved in a crash where the damage to any one vehicle or property is over $1,000 or if there is an injury to any person, even if a police officer was on the scene. These forms are available online here under the Accident Forms section. Once completed, one copy should be mailed to the Registry of Motor Vehicles, and one copy to the police department where the accident occurred. This link will direct you to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report.

Massachusetts RMV Official Accident Report Form

The report should be completed in triplicate (photo copies are acceptable). Please send completed reports to:

  1. Pelham Police Department
    2 South Valley Road
    Pelham, MA 01020
  2. Your Insurance Company
  3. Crash Reports
    Registry of Motor Vehicles
    P.O. Box 55889
    Boston, MA 02205-5889

Request for Police Report Form

Please visit the LexisNexis BuyCrash website to request a copy of a crash report that was taken by the Pelham Police Department. For all other report types, please call 413-253-0484 and request to speak with an officer.