
Types of Abatements

  • Motor Vehicle
  • Personal Property or Real Property
  • Senior, Surviving Spouse, or Minor, Veteran, Blind
  • Agricultural or Horticultural, Recreational, Forestry

Motor Vehicle:

  • What is needed to process an abatement?
  • You will need proof of what happened to the vehicle and what happened to the plates. Once this information is produced, we can then adjust the excise bill.
  • If you sell or donate your car, a bill of sale and plate return receipt or new registration are required.
  • If you move out of state, a plate return receipt and copy of your new registration are required.
  • If your car is in an accident, a letter from your insurance company identifying the car and the date it was declared a total loss plus the plate return receipt/new registration are required.
  • You must inform the Registry if you change your address prior to January 1st. Make sure they change your place of garaging.
  • If cancelling your plates, they must be cancelled by you. Your insurance company doesn’t necessarily cancel your plates for you, they merely cancel your insurance.
  • Filing an abatement application does not stay the collection of your excise bill. Please pay when it is due. A full or partial refund will be sent after the abatement is granted.


Make sure you have the right forms. Please reach out to the Assessor's Clerk on Wednesdays, 9am-12pm, (413) 253-0734.


Name Date