New Resident Information

Ambulance Service

The Town of Pelham contracts with the Town of Amherst. For Emergencies call 911.

Birth, Death, Marriage Licenses and Certificates

Contact the Town Clerk’s office at (413) 253-0512 or by email,


Contact each inspector individually for questions related to construction, electrical, gas & plumbing.

Business Certificates

Contact the Town Clerk’s office at (413) 253-0512 or by email,

Cable Television

Cable provider is Comcast.

Code of Pelham

Pelham Code. Questions, please contact the Town Clerk (413) 253-0512.

Construction in Pelham

Permits are required for construction/building in Pelham. See the Building Department page for further information about building permits, electrical permits, and gas permits. Driveway permits and trench permits can be obtained from the DPW Department page. Well, plumbing, and soil evaluation/perc test permits can be obtained from the Board of Health page.

Council on Aging

Pelham does not have a senior center. If you are interested in finding out more about the Council on Aging, please call Tracy Osbahr, (413) 531-9678 or visit the Council on Aging page under Committees.

Dog Licenses & Dog Officer

Dogs are licensed through the Town Clerk’s office by phone at (413) 253-0512 or by email, Pelham has a dog officer that can be reached by calling the Police Department at (413) 253-0484.

Drivers License/Vehicle Registration

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles is responsible for issuing driver’s licenses and registration of motor vehicles. The closest Registry office is in Easthampton at 116 Pleasant Street. Office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm.


Eversource provides electricity for Pelham. If a tree is leaning on the lines, please call (877) 659-6326.

Fire Department

The Town’s Volunteer Fire Department operates out of the Public Safety Complex at 2 South Valley Road. They can be reached for emergencies by calling 911, or for non-emergencies, (413) 253-3311, by accessing their homepage under important links and/or departments, or click here. Small camp and cooking fires are allowed in accordence with Massachusetts General Law. Open burning is allowed from January 15th to May 1st with a permit from the fire department


Pelham residents can use the Town of Amherst Transfer Station & Recycling Center. Use of this facility requires an annual vehicle sticker and fee. The transfer station is open year-round on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays from 8:00am to 2:00pm and is closed on all major holidays. More information can be obtained by accessing their website click here , or by calling (413) 259-3049. Local options for curbside trash pick-up are available through USA Waste & Recycling (800) 998-2984 or or Pioneer Valley Waste Solutions (413) 568-4443 ext 3 or

Green Community

Pelham was designated a Green Community on July 24, 2012 by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Energy Office of Environmental Affairs, and the Department of Energy Resources. Click here for more information and to see a list of other green communities. Pelham is now eligible for awards to fund local renewable power and energy efficiency projects that advance both municipal and state clean energy goals.


Hospitals in the surrounding areas include Baystate Franklin Medical Center, Baystate Medical Center, Baystate Wing Hospital, Cooley Dickinson Hospital, and Holyoke Hospital.


The Pelham Free Public Library is located at 2 South Valley Road. The library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Check the library website for updated hours of operation. The library can be contacted at (413) 253-0657,. Click on the Pelham Library under Departments.


The Town of Pelham is covered by three newspapers; Amherst Bulletin (free), Daily Hampshire Gazette (subscription required), and the Springfield Republican (subscription required). The Town sends a free triannual newsletter to all residents called The Pelham Slate and is compiled by the Select Board Office.

Police Department

The Town of Pelham has its own Police Department located at 2 South Valley Road in the Public Safety Complex. For emergencies call 911, and for non-emergency calls (413) 253-0484 or go to their page under Departments.

Post Office & Zip Codes

The Town of Pelham does not have a post office. Residents can use any post office in surrounding towns; Amherst, Belchertown; to obtain PO box, stamps, etc. Most Pelham addresses share the same zip code as the Town of Amherst; 01002; but there are locations in Pelham on the Belchertown end of town that use zip code 01007.

Property Valuation

Properties are valued for tax purposes by the Board of Assessors who can be reached at (413) 253-0734. Their office is located in the Rhodes Building/Town Offices at 351 Amherst Road with office hours on Wednesdays from 9:00am-12:00pm, and by appointment only.

Public Meetings

Local Boards & Committees in Town mostly meet on set schedules every month but some meetings are varied. Public Meetings are posted in the Town Clerk’s office and on the Town’s website, which can be viewed on the calendar displayed on the homepage click here.


Residents can drop off their recycling at the Amherst Transfer & Recycling Center as long as an annual sticker is purchased, (413) 259-3049. Residents can subscribe to curbside pick-up through USA Waste & Recycling (800) 998-2984 or or Pioneer Valley Waste Solutions (413) 568-4443 ext 3 or

Requests for Reasonable Modifications

For inquiries, contact the ADA Coordinator, (413) 253-7129.


Pelham has one Elementary School located at 45 Amherst Road and can be reached at (413) 362-1100, or by accessing their website, click here. Pelham School students attend the Amherst Middle School (7-8) and the Amherst Regional High School (9-12) following graduation from Pelham Elementary School (K-6).


Personal Property Taxes and Motor-Vehicle Excise payments may be made in person in the Tax Collector’s office at 351 Amherst Road. Real Estate taxes can also be paid in person or online under Departments, Collector/Treasurer. Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00am-3:30pm.


Landline phone service can be obtained from Verizon or Comcast.


If you have any questions pertaining to trees on your property, tree work around your home, or trees on/over wires, please call the Tree Warden, Dave Hawkins, (413) 256-4266 or contact him by email,

Water & Sewage

Most Pelham residents have their own wells and septic systems. Harkness Road and parts of Amherst Road have access to the Town of Amherst sewer lines. Please contact the Town of Amherst Public Works Department, (413) 259-3050.


For more information please contact the Conservation Commission Chair, Mr. Dana Macdonald, at (413) 461-8224.


Click here for contact information for the Zoning Board of Appeals Chair.