Tax Payments - UNIPAY

Real Estate taxes are due quarterly; February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.

Pelham Taxpayers now have the option to pay online:

  • Real Estate
  • Personal Property

(Excise taxes not ready, stay tuned)

**Please make sure the amount you are paying online matches the amount due**

Simply click on the UNIPAY icon below and follow instructions. ** Please make sure to change the year for personal property and real estate taxes or the payment will not go through.


Tax payments may be brought to the Collector/Treasurer in the Rhodes Building Monday - Thursday from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Payments by check payable to the Town of Pelham can also be mailed to the Collector at the same address, 351 Amherst Road, Pelham, MA 01002. Cash is only accepted in-person. If visiting the office in-person, please call ahead to make sure the Collector is in.

**To pay for before school and/or after school programs at the Pelham Elementary School when in session, please click here**


Excise tax bills are issued throughout the year when commitments are received from the Registry of Motor Vehicles. All bills are based on the information provided by the RMV; it is very important that the RMV have your correct mailing address, be sure to notify them of any change immediately.

Never ignore an excise bill. If you receive a bill for a vehicle which you no longer own, you must contact the Pelham Assessor's office for an abatement form. You must file your completed paperwork in a timely manner. Tax payments are due thirty days from the date of mailing regardless of whether an abatement is in process. It is suggested that you pay the bill on time in order to avoid additional fees and interest; you will receive a refund if your application for abatement is granted.

If a bill remains delinquent, the Registry of Motor Vehicles is notified and your right to register other vehicles or to renew your license or registration is denied until payment is received.