Staff Contacts
Name | Title | Phone | |
Andrea Crete | Public Health Director, Quabbin Health District | (413) 967-9615 | |
Desiree Vennert | QHD Support Staff | | (413) 967-9615 |
William Pula | Board of Health Chair | |
Additional Office Hours at the Rhodes Building/Town Offices:
The Quabbin Health District is a regional health department serving the communities of Belchertown, Ware, and Pelham. It was established by town meeting vote in 1980 and is the joint effort of the local Boards of Health to provide their towns with public health professionals and services. Our primary duties center on enforcing provisions of the State Sanitary Code and Environmental Code under the jurisdiction of the Board of Health. We also provide technical assistance and educational services to residents and other municipal departments. The Quabbin Health District serves a total population of approximately 26,000 residents in an area of about 120 square miles in Hampshire County. Visit the website,
The Health Director and Inspector work in all three communities, including Pelham, and maintain fully functional workplaces in both the Ware and Belchertown Town Halls. The District provides administrative / clerical personnel at both locations as well.
Board of Health handle permits such as food establishment licenses, milk & cream licenses, mobile home park licenses, plumbing permits, septic hauler licenses, septic installer licenses, septic installations (new), septic installations (repair), and well permits.