Because of notification and advertising requirements, hearings can't be scheduled for three weeks after a complete application has been received, but it may take longer than to find a date when five ZBA members are available.
Most hearings last only one evening, and it is typical for the decision to be made immediately following the hearing (after discussion by Board Members in full view of those attending.
However, it is possible that a hearing will take longer than one night, or that a decision will not be reached at the hearing.
Anyone who has been granted a special permit, variance, or finding must wait for about five weeks before they may act. The ZBA is allowed up to two weeks to formally write up, file, and mail out the decision. A 20-day appeal period begins immediately after the decision is filed. During that time, anyone can file an appeal of the decision (to a court). Applicants whose applications have been denied who wish to appeal must do so within this 20 day period. If someone does file an appeal of a grant, then the applicant may not act upon the special permit, variance, or finding unless and until the court rules in the applicant's favor.
A nonconforming use that has been abandoned or discontinued for two year may not be re-established.
Applicants who are granted variances must act upon them within one year. After that, they are no longer valid.
Applicants who are granted special permits or findings must act upon them within two years. After that, they are no longer valid.
Appears in: Zoning Board of Appeals FAQs